Monday 8 February 2010

Should John Terry still be England captain?

After a epic week in English Football where a truly controversial topic was brought forward,Fabio Capello has decided to sack John Terry as England captain. But was it the right choice?
It has to be mentioned that what Terry did was totally unacceptable and obviously morally wrong, however, should personal matters clash with Footballing ones? On one hand it could be argued that Terry should still be captain as he is a proven leader both for England and for Chelsea, his experience, passion and determination rubs off on the whole team and can be priceless at times. It also must be said that no English footballer is faultless, take Ferdinand for example. Ok he didnt sleep with a team mates girl friend, he did however fail to appear at a drugs test. Its the same story with many England heroes, Gerrard is another who was at the centre of attention last year when in a confrontation with a Dj. So, ok what Terry did was wrong, but perhaps it was neccesary to discover how the team felt on this matter and if they were fully supportive of Terry.
As always there is two sides to every story, the flip side to this is that Terry isnt just a footballer, he is regarded as a hero to many children who aspire to be England captain. By Terry sleeping around, obviously it doesnt set a good example to the youth of today. Admittably,Terry is a footballer, but in todays society with the media scrutinising and following their every move, it is their duty to set an example and to act professionally. Moreover, was Capello aware that perhaps the players were disgusted with Terry and perhaps was no longer the man who could lead the England players out onto the biggest stage of all. If the players wont play for him, then clearly there is a need for change.
This is a brief introduction to the debate and i wish to remain entirely neutral here. I please ask that you reply with comments on the article in general but also with your opinion as to whether Terry should have been sacked as captain. Thankyou

1 comment:

  1. Terry was on a pedastal, and it was destroyed from beneath him by immorality, greed, and betrayal in the space of 2 days.

    Its media heaven and they have been dealt a royal flush of a story.

    However how many of those people casting judgeme,nt on Terry hgave themselves been guilty of any one or more or these transgressions?
